About us

Designing, installing and managing since 2004

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About us

About us

BlueGold, an engineering company focused on water treatment, was founded in 2004 with the aim of providing technical solutions to the needs of this sector. With the aim of providing the best professional solutions, BlueGold is composed of a team of engineers with extensive experience. If our team stands out for something, apart from its experience, it is for its capacity to face new challenges. Together with our engineers, we have a technical installation team that completes an integral service to the customer.

Throughout our 15 years of experience, our ability to develop large-scale projects has become evident. This has been thanks to our team’s ability to adapt to all types of environments and our commitment to the customer. Achieving the most effective response to save and optimize our clients’ business is our way of being.

About us

Jose Vergara

CEO of Blue Gold Ingeniería

At BlueGold we always seek to surpass the established, innovate and cross the limits of any expectation we might have. An engineering project is not only an assignment, beyond the work, it is an opportunity to demonstrate what talent and technology can offer.

Our principles

BlueGold’s premise is to take care of those who form part of it. Therefore, BlueGold upholds the values and principles set forth by the United Nations Organization in its Global Compact. By implementing internally the 10 principles that form it, human rights, labor standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption are guaranteed. It is part of BlueGold’s philosophy to comply with the responsibility that all companies have towards society. Therefore, compliance with these precepts is something that forms our essence.

Blue Gold’s profile, as a member of the United Nations Global Compact, can be viewed at the following link

Check BlueGold as a member of the United Nations Global Compact in our profile.

Quality policy

BlueGold works in compliance with the strictest standards and procedures. This allows us to offer our clients an individualized service with a quality guaranteed by our certifications. .

Our commitment to offer the highest quality to our customers has been transformed into the UNE-EN-9001 certification. On the other hand, the UNE-EN-14001 certification shows our respect for the environment, while the ISO 45001 certification shows our responsibility for our collaborators.



Professional advice is the best way to achieve a perspective that converts the needs of the situation into opportunities to be exploited.


Through design, a facility can be made operationally efficient through technology and space efficient through planning.


In this process, a highly professional and technical team is especially required to proceed with a precise and trouble-free installation.


This phase will accompany the installation during its useful life, it will be necessary to select a service that ensures its efficiency and minimizes wear and tear.

Our commitment to quality

About us

Bluegold, Innovative SME

Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI), has approved its participation in the research and development project “Design and development of a new self-cleaning o2 diffusion membrane for water treatment”.

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Contact us

About us

20 years of experience in the development of engineering projects support us to offer technological solutions that give technical answers to: water treatment and electrical or chemical installations.



+ 34 966 389 838

bluegold About us bluegold.es

Carrer de Gabriel Miro, 11, 03560 El Campello, Alicante

Lun.-Vie. 8:00 - 19:00

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