A new system for removing permanent chemicals from water. The work of a research team at the University of British Columbia has achieved the safe and efficient removal of these substances. In this way, a new alternative for removing perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) has been formulated. The study was led by Madjid Mohseni, professor of chemical and biological engineering.

Current PFAS removal systems

PFAS substances can be harmful. There are currently more than 4,700 such substances that are used for many purposes, such as waterproof clothing or non-stick cookware. However, despite their widespread use, studies suggest that they may have negative health consequences.

The research team developed an adsorbent material. The study has shown the ability of the new material to capture PFASs present in the fluid. Once trapped, the destruction of the substances occurs through special electrochemical and photochemical mechanisms.

The treatment system uses electrochemical and photochemical mechanisms.

At present there are systems to remove PFAS but they do not have a high efficiency. Treatments such as activated carbon or ion exchange systems are widely used. They fail to provide high efficiency in the face of the wide variety of PFASs that exist. In addition, some of these types of substance require longer treatment.

A holistic approach has been the key to realizing the potential of nanocrystals. The research team, as Westman points out, has developed a material in the form of cellulose powder. This material, as the researchers have been able to appreciate, offers great properties for the purification process that can be accommodated to the type of contaminant.

The developed material has properties that can be adjusted to the type of contaminant.

Practical applications of designed material

The designed material offers high efficiency. As Mohseni points out, the study has succeeded in developing an adsorption mechanism capable of trapping 99% of the particles. In addition, it can be regenerated and, therefore, there is a high probability of reuse.

PFAs can end up in waterways. It is currently used in various types of products that can facilitate these substances ending up in the environment. Although, as Mohseni points out, PFASs are not manufactured in Canada, they continue to be present in many products.

PFAS substances are present in many products

Human exposure to PFAS substances can occur in a variety of ways. PFAS contamination can occur through consumer products and even foodstuffs. Furthermore, drinking water, under certain circumstances, can also be exposed.

The research team took into consideration isolated areas. The work developed by the researchers aims to bring water treatment solutions to remote areas. Mohseni indicates that the work developed is especially positive for communities that lack advanced solutions or whose cost represents an impediment.

The system created is especially positive for areas that are isolated or lack advanced solutions.


As we have seen, innovation in water treatment means greater safety. The development of new techniques, such as the one offered by Dr. Mohseni and his team, opens the door to the treatment of PFAS substances in wastewater. Moreover, it is not only a new mechanism for eliminating PFASs, but also represents an alternative for isolated areas. In this way, it also combats the existing difficulty in accessing safe water all over the world.

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